We offer free online events and gatherings monthly to support you on your journey.
We also host a special Book Club several times a year and hope you’ll join us!

Death Café
Join us for these online discussion groups to help you
become more intimate with death as you transform your fears around the end-of-life transition.
In our relaxed, open, and safe atmosphere, you’re invited to share any issues or fears surrounding life and death — and we have no intention of leading you toward a conclusion, product, or course of action. (This café event is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.)
Instead, we seek to increase awareness of death by helping you make the most of your life.
(Watch this brief video to learn more.)
Join us on Zoom on the last Monday of every month, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm PST via the SusiQ, the warm and welcoming home of Laguna Beach Seniors. Register here.
This free event is made possible by our generous supporters. If you would like to make a donation for this event or become one of our monthly supporters click here.

Free Monthly Yoga Nidra
with Dr. Deerheart
Restore your well-being with the Yoga Nidra practice to reduce anxiety and pain and put yourself in a state of ease.
We meet online on the first Thursday of every month, 10-11:30am Pacific.
Each online session includes a Yoga Nidra practice.
Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is a style of meditation that guides one into a deep state of consciousness between awake and asleep. In this state, the body and mind are deeply relaxed. This profound state of consciousness has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and pain. One of the goals of this practice is to restore well-being even in the state of disease, dying, and grief.
(Watch this brief video to learn more about Yoga Nidra.)
This free event is made possible by our generous supporters. If you would like to make a donation for this event or become one of our monthly supporters click here.

Into the Mystic:
A Deep Dive Book Club
Join Dr. Deerheart as she leads you on a literary journey that explores various cultural and historical views on death from around the world.
Our book club meetings are safe spaces to wander and ponder, to share, to explore, and to reflect on this illuminating mystery. Join us and venture into our individual and collective psyche to explore the captivating and sacred, universal ritual of death.
For October's Book Club we are reading and reflecting on Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death by Joan Halifax. during discussions facilitated by Dr. Deerheart and special Co-Host Tom Daniel.
This free event is made possible by our generous supporters. If you would like to make a donation for this event or become one of our monthly supporters click here.